Organising Committee


John Bremner
Rotary Club of Aberdeen St. Fittick
Functions and Hospitality:
George Esson
Rotary Club of Aberdeen St. Fittick
Registration and Administration:
Alistair & Rona Thom
Rotary Club of Aberdeen St. Fittick
Ken Irons
Rotary Club of Aberdeen St. Fittick
David Peters
Rotary Club of Aberdeen
Ian Kerr
Rotary Club of Aberdeen St. Fittick
 Stephen Burnett, Michael Taylor
 Rotary Club of Ellon
Website and Scoreboards:
Ian Gerrie
Rotary Club of Aberdeen St. Fittick


In addition to the above named individuals we would express thanks to the Rotarians within Aberdeen St Fittick and the Rotarians and Clubs within the fellowship of Aberdeen & District Rotary Curling Club for their support in hosting and organising the event. 


To contact any Committee Member please email: